Ten Items You Should Have Packed In Your Vehicle For The Inevitable Buffalo Winter Ahead

We can pretend it’s not happening, but it is. Winter is on its way here in Buffalo, NY, and there’s no stopping it. A particularly mild and warm fall season may have you thinking it’ll be a mild winter as well, but experts say this winter may be a cold, frigid one. (We’re used to that, right?) Either way, it’s best to be prepared for any situation. That’s why we’ve come up with a list of items that you should absolutely keep stocked in your car this winter season. If you’re from Buffalo, you remember “Snowvember 2014”, with cars stranded all over for hours and some even overnight...we definitely don’t need a repeat of that this year, but let’s be ready, just in case.

  1. Flashlight with extra batteries. This may seem obvious, but it’s an item people often overlook...and those extra batteries are a MUST!

  2. Blanket. If you’re stranded in the snow, you’re going to want anything to keep you warm.

  3. Food and Water. Pack yourself a bag with a few water bottles and non-perishable snacks like granola bars, crackers, etc. No one likes to be cold AND hungry.

  4. Gloves/Boots/Extra Clothing. If you’ve got to get out of your car to help someone or dig your car out, you better be warm and prepared.

  5. With the above being said, pack a snow shovel. It doesn’t have to be huge, but if your wheels get stuck, that shovel may be your saving grace in getting out!

  6. Snow Brush/Ice Scraper. Get a 2-in-1 to save space! If you’re from Buffalo, this is probably something a family member gets you for Christmas every year anyway. (At least that’s how it works in my home!)

  7. First Aid Kit. This can come in handy year-round, even when you’re out and about. It’s always a good idea.

  8. Hand-Warmers. These are usually pretty cheap, and although you may be used to using them at a Buffalo Bills tailgate in December, these can pack a big punch when you’re in a pinch.

  9. Jumper Cables. This should be a year-round staple in your vehicle. You never know when you (or someone else nearby) can use them to jump their car battery!

  10. Cell Phone Charger and an Extra Portable Charger. These are reasonably priced on Amazon, and at Target or Walmart. Since we use our phones to call for help and sometimes as flashlights, it is so important to make sure your phone is ready and able when needed. Even better, never leave the house with anything less than half your phone battery! 

If you do find yourself stranded or uncomfortable driving through a storm, pull over (if possible) and put your hazards on. Call for help and wait in your car until help arrives. We hope more than anything that you’ll never really have to use any of these items in the coming months, but you never know here in Buffalo!

Wishing everyone a safe and WARM winter ahead!

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