Club Accounts

Vacation Club

This is a great way for everyone (especially 10 month employees) to save for summer! These accounts earn dividends on a quarterly basis and are automatically transferred to your account on July 1st. As an added benefit, there is a $10.00 early withdrawal penalty to help encourage you to save up for your dream vacation!

Holiday Club

Open one of these and you'll be stress-free for the Christmas season! Quarterly dividends are earned and the account balances are automatically transferred to your account on October 1st. As an added benefit, there is a $10.00 early withdrawal penalty to help encourage you to save up for Christmas shopping! 

Tax Saver's Club

Tax season won't look so bad when you have one of these accounts to help save for the times of year when the tax man comes calling! When your bill arrives, just bring it by and we'll make the check out for you - it's that simple! If you want to save for your homeowner's insurance as well, or even water bills, you can do that also!